Tarot of the Day: Feb. 4, 2022

So to continue my little trip with the Tarot. Guess what? They called me out again.

They seem to love to do that. This particular deck is certainly not shy.

Tarot Card of the Day: strength

This card is about strength. Not the kind where you brute force your way through something, but the inner strength that comes from the heart. Trusting yourself and your intuition is a kind of strength that only comes from accepting who you are and what you are.

We are not made in another person’s image. We are spiritual beings, part of the Source, who are having a human experience. If we’re not made to be like another human, then why do we try to be? Why do we so often think we need to be like another person in order to succeed, be liked, or whatever?

Answer? We don’t. And that is what this card is a reminder of. Look inside and learn to love who you are at the core. In turn, this gives you the strength and bravery to do whatever you need to do to get through any challenge.

So what does this mean for me? Again, stop freaking out. I need to learn to trust myself again and listen to my intuition. Things happened in the not too distant past that sort of broke the connection I really had with myself, if that makes sense. I don’t need to listen to internet gurus or marketing pros or anyone else. Just me. Listen and learn, yes. But then take it and run with it in the way that’s best for me.

So… in two days a reminder to stop obsessing, stop panicking, and trust my intuition again. Both an ouch and a good wake up call.